


Dealing with Perfectionism

Hi again! After finished the art gigs I got to work, finally I'm back! It's s pleasurable to draw my favorite Manga characters however, dealing with perfectionism is hard. There is always something that I don't like in my drawings and I redo, redo and re do it. Sometimes my drawings end up in the trash can...is this a disorder?. Most of the times is so frustrating, because even people like my artwork, to me it's not enough. My hubby told me many times 'you're your own enemy' 😅
Well, with this in my mind, I have more than 100 drawings in my berubara binder, I never posted them because of the freaking perfectionism. Hopefully this blog will help me to get rid of this! I hope so!😅 If you are reading this nonsense writing anywhere, Thank you dear reader!

The final result and the 2 attempts.

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