


Beru Presents

2019 brought me some nice presents! My japanese friend gave me the Rose of Versailles mask as a present! And gave myself the 24 hours liquid eyeliner (brown) as a Christmas present, a little something to indulge myself, besides my last eyeliner was done.
 Here's how it's inside the eyeliner pack:

And yesterday, my japanese friend gave me these nice presents I share here.  I know it's not related to The rose of Versailles but I was happy to get them! Christmas celebration is starting earlier! yay!


Doujinshi or alternative story

Back to traditional art again. Back to pencils, inks and paper, just for some days until I get my anti reflective glasses! and my eyes get better. This is the storyboard or preliminar planning of a doujinshi I've working on these days.
This is a commission, this person asked for a romantic/sensual alternative story of the Versailles Rose. No shading yet, just the planning of texts, distribution of pannels and the dynamics of the plot all done with just a regular pen.Yes, I love graphic storytelling and to convey ideas through visual narrative, no matter if it's manga, american comic, or bande dessinee, all they have enriching ideas and methods...I guess graphic storytelling is easier than illustration to me, at least for now. However, I'll keep on practicing digital illustration.  What's easier for you?


Rough sketch

I don't know why I usually find my quick sketches better than my detailed work. Here's one!


Not woman, not a child

If!Lately I am painting a lot! I was watching tutorials from artists and I was nicely impressed of how they also are perfectionist... I thought it just happens to me 😅 it's good to know there are people like me in the Art environment!! Recently I am in a internet group of artists feedback and I just love it! The critics and comments with base and fundamentals are soooo helpful!!!! I always take the comments from artists who draw better than me as encouragement for improvement. 
Comments, feedback soo welcome!
Here is the teenager lady Oscar Jarjayes, fire in those eyes!😁