



Where are those apples he gave her? In her belly, digested but the remembrance of them are still in her mind and probably her heart
Apple, the fruit of some myths and legends, nicely introduced in this anime.


A kiss

"What is a kiss? Depends where it is"...I heard this long time ago.
The kiss between the two main characters has been drawn by many artists. I decided for a kiss on the neck, it's subtle and sexy. What type of kiss do you prefer for your favorite characters?


Dealing with Perfectionism

Hi again! After finished the art gigs I got to work, finally I'm back! It's s pleasurable to draw my favorite Manga characters however, dealing with perfectionism is hard. There is always something that I don't like in my drawings and I redo, redo and re do it. Sometimes my drawings end up in the trash can...is this a disorder?. Most of the times is so frustrating, because even people like my artwork, to me it's not enough. My hubby told me many times 'you're your own enemy' 😅
Well, with this in my mind, I have more than 100 drawings in my berubara binder, I never posted them because of the freaking perfectionism. Hopefully this blog will help me to get rid of this! I hope so!😅 If you are reading this nonsense writing anywhere, Thank you dear reader!

The final result and the 2 attempts.